Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find my PRESTIA MultiMoney Account Number?
PRESTIA MultiMoney Account Number (the same 8 digit number for Yen and foreign currency) is on "Balance Summary". Online banking > Accounts &... Show Detail
How can I start foreign currency deposit?
You can start foreign currency deposit via online banking. Sign On Sign On Application for PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Savings Dep... Show Detail
Can I withdraw foreign currency in my account from ATMs?
Domestic ATMNo, you cannot. Only Yen is available. However, USD and EUR can be withdrawn at the branch counter. Foreign currency cash handling fee will b... Show Detail
Are there any fees to deposit (withdraw) foreign currency cash into(from) my account?
Yes. Cash handling fee will be charged. Available CurrenciesUSD, EUR only. *No cash handling fees up to US$5,000 or €5,000 per day for PRESTIA GOLD... Show Detail
How much is the foreign exchange commission?
Please refer to the Service Fee List for our foreign exchange fees. Show Detail
I want to cancel Foreign Currency Deposit Service.
Foreign Currency Deposit Service can be cancelled at a branch, or by phone. Branch Find a branch Phone PRESTIA Phone Bankin... Show Detail
What are Cross Currency Transactions?
Cross Currency Transactions let you convert a foreign currency into another foreign currency. See here for details. Show Detail
Which currencies are available at PRESTIA?
In addition to Japanese Yen, the following 17 foreign currencies are available at PRESTIA.*1 US Dollar (USD), Australian Dollar (AUD), New Zealand Dolla... Show Detail
I want to place a foreign exchange leave order.
You can place an order via online banking. PRESTIA Online, PRESTIA Mobile Menu > Foreign Currency Savings > Buy / Sell FX, Foreign Currenc... Show Detail
What are the differences between U.S. Dollar Savings and PRESTIA MultiMoney USD Savings...
Both are savings account in US Dollar. The differences are as follows. U.S. Dollar Savings (account number: 7 digits) You can use this accoun... Show Detail
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