PRESTIA MultiMoney Account Number (the same 8 digit number for Yen and foreign currency) is on "Balance Summary".

Online banking  > Accounts > Balance Summary

Online banking  > Accounts > Balance Summary

  • Yen
    PRESTIA MultiMoney Yen Savings Deposit Account Number is under "Yen Savings Deposits / Yen Time Deposits".
  • Foreign Currency
    PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Savings Deposit Account Number is the same 8 digits as PRESTIA MultiMoney Yen Savings Deposit.
  • *It does not appear until you make a foreign currency transaction for the first time.
  • *Once PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Savings Deposit application is complete, you can make transactions or deposit currency not shown on Balance Summary as long as it is one of the 17 applicable currencies .

 Application for PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Deposit

When you start foreign currency deposit (including receiving remittance in foreign currency) for the first time, application for PRESTIA MultiMoney Foreign Currency Savings Deposit is required. See here for details.