The usage and implementation of My Number (Individual Number/ Corporate Number) has started from January 2016.
My Number is used to efficiently manage information and to tie personal information held in multiple government organizations to the same individual in the areas of social security administration, taxation, and disaster response. Individual Number is a 12 digit number which is assigned to every person possessing a resident record in Japan. My Number is assigned to foreign nationals as well if he/she has a resident record in Japan. Corporate Number is a 13 digit number which is assigned to "established registered corporations" such as kabushiki kaisha or other entities.

At SMBC Trust Bank PRESTIA, customers will be asked to notify his or her My Number for the following transactions.

  • Mutual fund (general/special accounts) Account opening, change of address/ name
  • Corporate account Account opening, change of address/ name
  • Maruyu (Tax-exempt for disabled persons) New application, notification of changes
  • Fund transfer to/from overseas (including overseas fund transfer payee registration)

Also, customers may be asked to notify My Number for using Yen Savings Account, PRESTIA MultiMoney Account, Dollar Savings Account or Checking Account from January 2018.

Notification Requirement

Customers who fall within the categories below are required by law to notify the bank of their My Number by the end of December 2021, when the 6-year grace period ends.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • Individual and corporate customers who had opened a deposit account by the end of December 2015 and plan to make/receive an overseas fund transfer/overseas fund transfers in or after January 2022
  • Individual and corporate customers who had opened a mutual fund account (a general/special account) by the end of December 2015
  • Corporate customers who had opened an account by the end of December 2015

Individual Customers Residing Outside Japan

My Number will be created based on the resident record code and will be assigned to people possessing resident records in Japan, regardless of person's nationality. My Number will not be assigned to people who do not possess resident records in Japan (e.g. people living overseas). If you are not assigned with a My Number, My Number will be assigned to you when you return to Japan and create resident record. Please notify us of your My Number upon your return to Japan.