Yes. SMBC Trust Bank PRESTIA can be set as a direct debit / auto debit account for utility bills, tax payment,
telecommunications service providers, insurance, credit company or factoring company.

Please contact respective company(ies) for the available financial institution options and procedures.

For auto debit through factoring company (e.g. real estate agency, gym, parking space), please directly contact the company you have the contract with.

Necessary Information

  1. Bank Name and Bank Code:
  2. Branch Name/Branch Code:
    Check on bank statement or online banking. Branch code is on your Cash Card as well.
  3. Account Type:
    If you are uncertain, check on your bank statement or online banking.
  4. Account Number:
    Check on cash card, bank statement or online banking.
    If you have foreign currency auto debit such as insurance,
    please specify 8 digit PRESTIA MultiMoney Account
  5. Name, Katakana Name:
    Fill out as exactly as registered with PRESTIA.
    If you are not sure how your Katakana Name is registered with us,
    please contact PRESTIA Phone Banking.
  6. Registered Seal or Signature:
    Place your registered seal or signature with PRESTIA.
    If there is not enough space for your signature, you do not have to try to fit it into the space provided for seal.

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