Cancellation is not allowed before maturity, including Foreign Currency Time Deposits that have rolled over automatically, except that SMBC Trust Bank determines cancellation before the maturity date is unavoidable.

In the event that SMBC Trust Bank determines cancellation before the maturity date is unavoidable, SMBC Trust Bank shall calculate interest due for the period from the date of deposit (in case of renewal, the latest renewal date, and in case of monthly interest payment, the latest date of interest payment) until the day before the cancellation date based on 365 days a year at the interest rate of a savings deposit held in the same currencies and shall pay said interest to the Depositor together with the principal of said deposit on the cancellation date.

Depositor may be required to pay settlement fee due to changes in financial circumstances, etc.

The settlement fee means the amount of expenses to rebuild the alternative deposits from the date of cancellation to the maturity date, and is calculated based on the following formula prescribed by SMBC Trust Bank.

The settlement fee = principal amount of the Deposit × expenses to rebuild (%) × remaining duration / 365 days